Comment repousser les mites de votre dressing : conseils et astuces

How to repel moths from your wardrobe: tips and tricks

Moths are a real scourge for your wardrobe, especially when they attack your favorite clothes made of natural fibers like wool, cashmere or linen. Fortunately, there are natural and simple solutions to protect your clothes from moths. Here are some practical tips to keep them away from your wardrobe for a long time.

1. Lavender: the natural moth repellent par excellence

Lavender is one of the most effective solutions against moths. Dried lavender sachets, placed in drawers or hung in the dressing room, diffuse a pleasant scent while repelling moths thanks to their strong and natural smell. You can also use lavender essential oil in a few drops on pieces of cotton to place in your closet.

2. Cedar: natural protection

Cedar is another natural moth repellent. In the form of cedar blocks, balls or hangers, it protects your clothes by diffusing a scent that moths hate. In addition, it helps absorb moisture in the closet, creating a less favorable environment for pests.

3. Essential oils: to strengthen the defense

Essential oils like eucalyptus, clove and lemon are very effective at repelling moths. A few drops on strips of fabric or in diffusers placed in the corners of your closet will do the trick. They also give your clothes a pleasant, fresh and invigorating scent.

4. Bay leaves: a grandmother’s secret

Bay leaves are a well-known home remedy for repelling moths. Placed in the pockets of your coats or between piles of clothes, they give off an odor that moths do not like. It is a natural, economical and easy to implement solution.

5. Regular closet cleaning: the key to prevention

A clean wardrobe is essential to prevent moths from appearing. It is important to dust regularly, wash your clothes before storing them and not leave dirty textiles lying around. Don't forget to vacuum the corners of your closet and clean it with a damp cloth and white vinegar, which is also an excellent natural repellent.

6. Off-season storage: protect your clothes

For clothes that you don't wear regularly, such as those from the previous season, proper storage is essential. Use fabric covers to protect your items and opt for airtight boxes. Adding lavender sachets or cedar blocks to these boxes will provide additional protection against moths.

7. Use a steamer: the ideal solution to eliminate larvae and eggs

A steamer, in addition to removing wrinkles from your clothes, can be used to eliminate moth larvae and eggs through steam. The heat of the steam kills the larvae without damaging the delicate fibers of your clothes. Steam your favorite items regularly to not only freshen them up, but also protect them from these little pests.


How to recognize the presence of moths in your wardrobe?

You can detect the presence of moths by small holes
in your clothes, especially those made of natural fibers. Other signs
include powdery residue left by the larvae.

How often should you clean your closet to prevent moths?

It is recommended to clean your dressing room at least once a
season, and do a more thorough cleaning twice a year, at
wardrobe change time (summer/winter).

Can moths attack all types of fabrics?

Moths prefer natural fibers like wool,
cashmere, cotton and silk. They are less attracted to fibers
synthetic, but can still settle there if they find
leftover sweat or food.

How long do natural protections like lavender or cedar last?

Lavender sachets and cedar blocks remain effective
for several months, but it is advisable to replace them every 6
at 12 months to maintain optimal protection.

Is a steamer really effective against moths?

Yes, a steamer is very effective at removing eggs and
moth larvae thanks to the heat of the steam. It is also ideal
to refresh clothes and extend their life.

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